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                         9.2 Edit <Alt-E>

     Status          Allows you to change the status of a message. See
                     the separate section about Message Status Bits
                     for a detailed description of this.

     Subject         Allows you to change the subject of a message. If
                     you have a message with file attaches and press
                     <Alt-A>, the file attach list will be processed
                     again and if you specified wild-cards or more
                     than one file on the subject line, you will have
                     to select the files you want to send once again.

     Text            Allows you to edit the text (body) of a message.
                     If you are already in editing mode, this will
                     bring up a secondary menu with text editing
                     related functions.

     Destination     Allows you to change the destination of a
                     message. This will add the default message status
                     bits as well as the Local bit to the message and
                     remove the Rcvd and Sent status bits if they were

                     As opposed to the FORWARD function, using <Alt-D>
                     will not result in any text being added to the
                     message body (forwarding info).

     Toggle          Brings up the toggle menu.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson